Thursday, October 12, 2006

Book Review: The Alchemist

The Alchemist: A Fable About Following Your Dream by Paulo Coelho

Paulo Coelho's enchanting novel has inspired millions of delighted readers around the world. This story, dazzling in its simplicity and wisdom, is about an Andalusian shepherd boy named Santiago who ventures from his homeland in Spain to North Africa in search of a treasure buried in the Pyramids.

Along the way he meets a beautiful, young gypsy woman, a man who calls himself a king, and an alchemist, all of whom point Santiago in the direction of his quest. No one knows what the treasure is or if Santiago can surmount the obstacles along the way through the desert. But what starts out as a boyish adventure to discover exotic places and worldly wealth turns into a quest for the treasures only found within.

Lush, evocative, and deeply humane, Santiago's story is an eternal testament to following our dreams and listening to our hearts. - Taken from

This is an excellent little book about following your heart. Read it with your children and enjoy a wonderful fable. –Michael Rebibo

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Retirement Planning

Does Your 401(k) Plan Have All the Elements of a Successful Retirement Plan?

Planning and saving for retirement is a major financial issue for most Americans. We spend decades worrying about whether or not we will have enough money saved for the goal of being financially independent. One of the best tools to improve our odds of successful retirement is our company retirement plan. Since most companies today offer only defined contribution plans (primarily 401(k) and Simple Plans), we will focus on the key aspects of successful defined contribution plans. This is written for the plan sponsor/trustee, usually the owner or top executive in smaller businesses or the human resources director in larger organizations.

The key elements of a successful Retirement Plan are as follows:

Compliance: A successful retirement plan is in compliance with all necessary testing and government filings, distributes all legally required information to participants first and is administered exactly as the plan document is written. The fiduciaries of the plan, the trustees, members of the plan committee and members of the board of directors, meet the fiduciary requirements mandated under ERISA, the federal law that regulates retirement plans. Fiduciaries must exercise the “care, skill, prudence, and diligence” of an experienced fiduciary in fulfilling his/her duties. Fiduciaries are responsible for what they “should know” about investments-as opposed to what they actually know. More than one court has said, “A pure heart and empty head are not enough”. All plans should have an Investment Policy Statement which will assist the fiduciaries in meeting these stringent requirements.

Participation: This is the litmus test for a successful 401(k) plan. Average participation rates vary by industry and wage levels. The overall participation rate across all industries is about 75%. A successful plan will have higher than average participation rates.

Savings Percentage: The more money people put aside in their 401(k), the greater their chance for a secure retirement. Also, the higher the rate, the easier it is to pass discrimination testing. The overall average employee deferral percentage is between 6% and 8%.

Asset Allocation/Investment Selection: A 401(k) is fundamentally a long term savings and retirement plan. The difference between 6%, 8% and 10% rate of return over 20-, 30- and 40- years can be enormous. Asset allocation, or the relative percentage a participant puts into cash, bonds, and stock, is the fundamental investment decision and can have a huge impact on the funds available for retirement. Each plan must have the appropriate investment classes available to meet the Prudent Investor standards.

Investment Performance: In addition to having the appropriate investment options, the absolute and relative performance of the investments must be monitored at least annually against the appropriate benchmarks. In addition, high cost plans drain away returns from participants’ accounts.

Costs and Administrative Efficiency: It is the plan sponsor’s fiduciary duty to insure that the fees of the plan are “reasonable”. Many plans have fees buried inside the underlining mutual fund investments that increase overall fund costs. In order to know whether or not a plan's costs are reasonable, the plan sponsor must know what the actual costs are. This requires some due diligence on the part of the sponsor. An annual review of plan expenses will assist in determining reasonability.

Ask yourself the following questions:

1. Was your retirement plan provided to you by an objective party other than an insurance company, investment brokerage house or other commission oriented firm?

2. Are you happy with the performance of the funds in your plan? Are you or your investment advisor able to select from the best funds available in the market today? Are you or your advisor reviewing the performance of your funds and comparing them to their corresponding bench marks on an annual basis?

3. Have you reviewed the total costs of your retirement plan, both disclosed and undisclosed?

4. Does your retirement plan provider acknowledge the fiduciary responsibility under ERISA sections 3(38) and 405(d)(1)?

5. Is your overall participation rate in excess of 75%?

6. Is your overall savings rate in excess of 6%?

7. Does your plan have an Investment Policy Statement? Is this reviewed annually?

If you answered no to any of the above questions, consider having 1st Portfolio provide you or your company with a qualified plan review. We help plan sponsors make their plans more successful by increasing participation and savings rates and helping participants allocate their assets in an age and risk-appropriate manner. We also assist plan sponsors in meeting their fiduciary obligations by assisting them with the investment selection and monitoring process as well as in controlling and lowering the total cost of the plan. We provide our business services in a transparent manner openly discussing our fees and avoiding any real or perceived conflicts of interest. We act as fiduciaries to the plan, always keeping the interests of the participants and their beneficiaries as our top priority.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Children & Money: Instill the Value of a Dollar at an Early Age

Most children today do not actually know where money comes from. Think about how different the world is from our childhood. While technology has greatly simplified our monetary transactions, it has created a significant disconnect for our children. Items are seldom purchased with cash; rather we use a magical plastic card to fulfill their material wants. Paychecks are deposited automatically into banking accounts, while money appears to be earned simply by typing a secret code into an Automated Teller Machine. Bills are paid electronically or automatically. To top it all off, there is very little taught in school on the subject of money. How are our children to learn?

When my son was five, we ordered him a scooter off the internet. As soon as I completed the transaction, he sprinted down to the mailbox to look inside. He came back disappointed to learn that the scooter had not magically appeared in the mailbox. I had to explain not only how the financial transaction occurred, but also how the order was fulfilled and then eventually mailed to our home. The instant gratification world our children and most of us live in does not prepare us for the long-term focus required to manage our money and create wealth and prosperity.

What can we do? Here are a few ideas to get you started:

1. Break the spending habit.

2. Explain how money flows through the economy. For example, “Our money is earned by creating some sort of value in our community. The greater the value created, the greater the money earned. This money is generally deposited directly into our account via electronic credits. Some of the money earned is immediately saved in a different investment account for our future. Some of the money is given to our favorite charities and/or our religious organizations. What is left is ours to spend on our way of living. We use credit cards to buy things but pay them off each month with the money we earn. If we spend too much, we have to pay the credit card company interest. This makes it harder for us to pay our expenses the next month”.

3. Consider replacing the allowance, an “entitlement concept”, with specific payments for specific services. In other words, let them earn their “allowance”. One of my clients implemented this with his children. The children asked if they were able to reduce the household utility bills by a percentage, could they keep 50% of the savings. Although the kids wanted to eat dinner in the dark and kept turning the lights out on their parents, they were able to cut the bills by $30 per month and kept $15 for themselves!

4. Open a savings account with their money. You can take them down to the local bank or better yet, open a mutual fund.

5. Teach them about interest and compounding! After completing the above step, your children will truly begin to understand this.

6. With the exception of birthdays and holidays, require your children to buy all or part of the items they really want. Teaching your children to earn money and buy the things the want will help them to develop the skills that will last them a lifetime.

7. Suggest they begin giving some of their savings to charity. If possible, let them experience your giving directly.

8. Teach them that it’s a “round world” that we live in. The more you give, the more get. Another similar concept is to “Pay it Forward”.

9. Together, learn how to sell things on eBay. This will provide them with many valuable tools that will help them in the future.

10. Teach them the importance of planning for their future. As we all know, a failure to plan is a plan to fail. Encourage them to save money for their future. If they are old enough to earn money outside the home, have them open a Roth IRA. Have them save up for the really big things they want. If you have your child save up for that new X-Box, they will develop a sense of accomplishment, take better care of their belongings and begin to appreciate the value of a dollar.

Saturday, October 7, 2006

Market Summary

The legendary Dow Jones Industrial Average Index reached a record high of 11,750 in September. It reached this magical peak only for a few seconds during the day and closed below the record. In fact, if you take inflation in to account, we are still a long way from a record. The DJIA index would need to be around 13,000 if you adjusted for inflation. You need to go back to January of 2000, during the peak of the dot com era, to find the market in a similar range. Today’s record comes with an abundance of caution. Investors and consumers share concerns over the high cost of energy, the war in Iraq and a weakening real estate market that threatens to knock the footings off the economy and send us into recession.

As usual, there is very little consensus as to whether we will pierce through this long standing market top into new higher territory in the months and years to come, or will we plunge into recession as we did in 2001 after the last time we reached this record. What we do know is this: relative to company earnings, the prices of US stocks as a whole are considerably cheaper than they were in 2000. In addition, the fall out from the Enron and WorldCom corporate disasters has eliminated a significant amount of corporate waste.

The S&P 500, the index measuring the 500 largest US stocks by their market capitalization was up a 5.2% for the quarter, while the EAFE Index (a market value weighted index of the largest companies in Europe, Australia, and the Far East designed to measure overall conditions of overseas markets) was down -2.92% over the same period. Year to date, the S&P 500 and the EAFE idecies were up 8.79% and 10.06% respectively. Why the big jump? Fed Chair Ben Bernanke and his friends at the Fed finally stopped raising rates. This, coupled with a drop in energy prices created a new market euphoria. Debt payments and energy costs have a huge impact on consumer spending.

Sunday, October 1, 2006

Sector Performance Report 9-30-08

The 12 month trailing returns for the energy sector fell to zero while the telecommunications, health and financial sectors rebounded strongly after being in the cellar for a few years. As so often is the case, last year’s winners are this year’s losers.